About | Finding Bliss | Soniyah Singh | San Francisco Matchmaker Skip to the content
Our Story

I’m Soniyah & I Love Love
(with a capital L!)

More specifically, I’m in Love with helping people be the Love they seek. My clients tell me I’m passionate, warm, magnetic and fiery.

A born Love Coach.

While matchmaking is woven through my family’s culture, it was a guided “coincidence” that I discovered my life’s driving passion. It’s what I know I was put on this earth to do.

Experience The Bliss

Stages Of Finding Bliss
Finding Bliss Logo

With the motto Outsource Your Love Life: Finding Bliss was founded as a traditional matchmaking company exclusively working with gay men.


Started Love Research with clients.


Soniyah added what was called “Feedback Sessions” to her work and launched her Signature Matchmaking with 3-5 Relationship Coaching Sessions as prerequisites.


Began teaching Love and Appreciation Languages Workshops at non-profits, universities, schools, and companies.


After exclusively working with gay men, Soniyah opened up her Relationship Coaching to all genders and sexual orientations. She started validating the Love Research with pioneers in the industry.


Launched Finding Bliss 2.0. Founded and launched Empowered Matchmaking. Began Relationship Coaching with Couples.


Launched Finding Bliss 3.0. Created and hosted online workshops. Initiated Love Stories book, Love Is Inevitable, in Telluride, CO. Incubated Love Mantras deck, Loving What Is, in Mount Shasta, CA. Started having Love Conversations with pioneers and guides in the industry. Began hosting Guided Love Immersions on Sacred land.


Launched Finding Bliss 4.0 in Mount Shasta, CA.


Rebranded with a new sacred symbol. Created a new website.

Coming soon…

Love Stories book, Love Is Inevitable
Mantra Deck, Loving What Is
Annual Course, Power of Love

Almost seventeen years ago now, I signed up with a local matchmaker. I was looking for Love, but life got in the way. The day before I was contacted with my first match, I was laid off from my job. The CEO from the matchmaking company and I clicked, so rather than matching me, she hired me. I became her right-hand woman and personal assistant. This led to a full-time matchmaker position at the company! And this serendipitous career move opened me up to a whole new world. In fact, a light went off. Helping people make deep and meaningful connections was my life’s passion. And I was good at it.

After many months of working with the matchmaking company and learning so much from my experience, I still wasn’t fulfilled. I knew I wanted to work on building trust with clients and help them find the Love they want and not just be a dating service. I ended up leaving, and went on a quest to find the next aligned company in the industry. After interviewing with many companies, the one I finally joined was a matchmaking service for gay men.

Working with gay men was a deep spiritual revelation for me for many reasons. In a transformational session with a client, while hearing his story, I unearthed something deep within myself, my own sexuality. My breakthrough was life-changing, I recognized and embraced myself as a gay woman. This gave me an even deeper and more profound connectedness with my clients.

After many months, I realized something else; I could no longer work for another person’s company because I wanted to be of service in a very unique way to Love. I wasn’t quite finding this in our industry, so I took the plunge. In November of 2008 I founded Finding Bliss, a matchmaking company for gay men that made matches based on values and long-term connection.

Spreading the healing power of Love became my passion.

I believe when you’re passionate about something, it’s not “work”. Since starting my own company I’ve helped many wonderful people find their Beloved. In doing so, I’ve discovered that finding true Love requires clear intention and the right mindset. I coach my clients to transcend the same fears I’ve had to overcome in my own journey: fear of acceptance, rejection, and more. I help guide clients to look at their own fears with the lens of curiosity and compassion, so they can open themselves up to be the Love they seek.

My ongoing Love Research confirmed that while many clients found Love, a majority found Love without needing my help as a Matchmaker.

I asked myself why? And to this day, the results still blow me away. It was very clear through the Love Research that the magic was not in the match, it was in helping people look at their patterns and barriers around Love, relationships, intimacy, pleasure, sexuality, the masculine, the feminine, and more.

When we look at these limiting patterns with a lens of compassion, we shift our mindset and create a new beginning that is sustainable. As our internal world transforms, our external world reflects that finding Love Is Inevitable.

After years of being a Traditional Matchmaker and conducting Love Research, in 2016 I launched Finding Bliss 2.0 with Empowered Matchmaking, which I practice to this day. With Empowered Matchmaking, the primary work I do is Relationship Coaching. I absolutely still make introductions when I have two people who are a match for one another. However, I recognize that I am one of many conduits to Love and there are infinite ways to find our Beloved.

In November of 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, I launched Finding Bliss 3.0. I started having profound Love Conversations with people from all walks of life who validate the Love Research through their work! I am now in the middle of writing an extraordinary book of Heart-opening Love stories, of real struggle and real Love. I share the journey of what I like to call the Heartwork; practices that were co-created by working with thousands of clients in sessions.

The Heartwork consistently shows that Compassion is the Medicine, cultivated through time and practice.

In 2023, I launched Finding Bliss 4.0 in Mount Shasta, California to go public with the Love Research. My dream is to continue to be in conversations with brilliant minds sharing and validating my discoveries about Love and relationships. I’ll know I’ve made it when one day you see me in conversation with Oprah Winfrey.

After all, Love is Inevitable for everyone.

Love Ripples.
Inspiration and meaning of the Finding Bliss Symbol

The Golden Ratio of Love

The Circle

The Circle is the ultimate universal symbol. We are two wholes uniting as one Divine Love.

“In the way of the Circle, we all sit equal.”
-Author unknown

The Union
(in the center)

Finding Bliss comes from a place of wholeness.

“The Union is beyond perfect balance. The sum of the polarities, yet something more…The Union does not see two separate sides, it sees whole and beyond…In the Union, there is no ultimate aloneness…You are a complete Circle, you are already whole… No one else or thing can make you whole. The Union you seek must first occur within.”
-Star Song Oracle, Delfina Rose


Boundless. Endless. Immeasurable.
Magical. Unity. Harmony.
Peace. Eternal Love.
Infinite Possibilities.

The Golden Ratio

“We recognize the beauty of natural configurations because we are made of the same features. Like the tense chords of a harp, we are in tune with the same shades of forms and colours and the harmonious evolutions are out of us just like inside us, components of the same harmony…Nature is teacher of what we define as beauty; it is what we recognize in a proportion. It is solidified voiced rhythm, a rhythm of expansive growth. The harmonious Fibonacci sequence. What we see as beautiful, a harmonious proportion, what opens our heart when we look at it, corresponds to the rhythm of our heart. The proportion of the relationship between systoles and diastoles alternating is very close to the golden ratio.”
-Regional Museum “Agostino Pepoli”, Erice, Sicily Italy

Our Team

Finding Bliss Founder

Soniyah Singh

I live by my mantra, “Always at the right place, at the right time, doing the right things, with the right people”. I was born in New Delhi, India and moved to Queens, New York when I was only in third grade. I grew up in a very traditional Sikh family with matchmaking all around me. My parents and ancestry were all arranged marriages, so to say what I do for a living is my Dharma is an understatement.

I moved across the country to San Francisco, California in my early 20’s and pretty quickly it became clear I was gay, so you can only imagine the journey I’ve been on coming out to a very conservative family.

I was introduced to my teacher, Wayne Dyer, in 2008, which started my awakening in all arenas. Being an Indian woman, I’m big into astrology and every facilitator that has read my chart has said, “You were born to be a teacher of Love!” To that I nod and say, “Yes, I know. I am a Love Coach! I do this for a living!” And this is why it has been a privilege and an honor to have founded and evolved, Finding Bliss. To me, Finding Bliss is a team-made company and we are all a Love story.

Project Manager

Chloe Holland

Long before joining Finding Bliss in 2022, I’ve had a deep fascination with all things Love, relationships, and personal growth. I grew up surrounded by many forms of Love but also have a deep reverence for the challenges it brings and ways that being in relationship can make you grow outside your comfort zones. When I heard about the Heartwork, I knew that it was something everyone needed to explore.

Now, as Soniyah’s project manager I’ve helped bring her work to life and I couldn’t be more grateful! My background in tech and startups means that I am the organizer, the content editor, and an all around creative support system that allows the true soul of Finding Bliss to shine through.


Shelby Edwards

My name is Shelby Edwards. I was raised with Love, believe in Love, and dream of a world that embraces and embodies Love. I come from a beautiful and caring family that inspires me to be my best self every day. I work in the world of education, where I cherish the opportunity to work with young people. At my core is a commitment to help guide and model for youth, and adults alike, what it means to be upstanding citizens of the world. I desire and strive for a community where all people operate with integrity and lead from our hearts.

I am a proud client of Soniyah’s and am in awe of the work. I have grown only more passionate about a commitment to loving ourselves. I am extremely excited and honored to be part of the Finding Bliss team, to bring more Love to the world and empower others on our Love journey through life.

Support Pup

Coach Adi

Adi Singh joined Soniyah and Finding Bliss at 11 weeks young in 2017. She’s the support pup for all Finding Bliss clients and she also Loves Love. Historically, she was a bit shy at first because she’s a rescue pup, however, with the Love and care and over 7 years of working with the clients and stories of Finding Bliss, she is as friendly as they come! Adi is with Soniyah during all client sessions and she’ll join in during Discovery Sessions with potential clients. She’s a joyous presence and looks forward to meeting you soon.

Soniyah has been researching Love for over 15 years, interviewing Finding Bliss clients and people who are single, in a relationship, and all the in-betweens. She personally works with all stages of relationships, from heartbreak, to new Love, to couples who have been together for decades.

Soniyah started her company as a Traditional Matchmaker. Her clients hired her and she learned everything about them from when they were born to now and everything in between. Then, she went out and met potential matches for her clients, and took them through the same thorough screening and interviewing process.

What Soniyah found very quickly was that the majority of her clients ended up meeting their Beloved on their own, after hiring her as a matchmaker. This was very surprising because at the time, the majority of her clients were in their 40’s to 70’s and had patterns of struggle in relationships.

How was it possible that after hiring a Matchmaker, some ended up meeting their person on their own? This is what led to the Love Research.

Soniyah started interviewing her clients that were struggling and the clients that were finding Love. What she found in the clients that were finding Love (on their own or through a match with Soniyah) was that they were taking advantage of what she called at that time, Feedback Sessions. These sessions were optional 20 minute calls for people to reach out and talk about anything and everything: what was challenging, what they needed support with, what was going really well, things of this nature. Those were the clients that were finding Love! The continued Love Research showed that they felt supported, seen, understood, and not alone. This process opened them up to what they really wanted.

What she also found through her Love Research was that the magic is not in the actual introduction, it is in helping people understand their barriers to Love and relationship and looking at them from a lens of compassion and curiosity to create new beginnings.

After realizing this, Soniyah launched her Signature Matchmaking process and 3-5 of these Sessions became prerequisites before her clients went out to meet potential matches. After several years of loving this Signature way, Soniyah decided to offer these Sessions as an a la carte service alongside her Signature Matchmaking process.

After several years of doing both, the Love Research blew her away. About 40% of her Matchmaking clients found Love. Nearly 90% of her coaching clients found Love. The majority of all her clients found Love on their own, with about 10% of Soniyah’s clients finding their person through a traditional match.

The journey with the Heartwork shows that finding Love is Inevitable.

Simultaneously, she began to return to Ancient wisdom and study with experts and pioneers in the industry of Love and Relationships. She found that the Love Research is universally validated.

There is no one size fits all. There are infinite ways to do the work. So find your way.

Love Fact: Nearly 30% of people who have gone through either an Initial Call or a Discovery Session end up meeting their person before even embarking on the journey with the Heartwork. Again, this validates the Love Research because the behavior is in alignment with the intention. The belief is that I am worthy enough for Love and the universe confirms it. Soniyah tells people that it’s not just about finding Love, that it’s about having it be different than it’s ever been before. So she encourages these stories to continue to practice the work with guidance that feels aligned! Do the work wherever and with whomever you feel called to.



Wayne Dyer

“The only limits you have are the limits you believe.”


Tony Robbins

“Trade your expectation to appreciation and the world changes instantly.”

Nina Brown

“I return it to Spirit for the most benevolent and appropriate outcome for all concerned.”


Louise Hay

“All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I trust myself and I trust Life. All is well.”

Work that supports the Love Research
  • Heart Coherence
  • Yogic Intimacy
  • Guru Granth Sahib
  • Kundalini Technology
  • Bruce Lipton
  • Gottman Institute
  • Brené Brown
  • Harville Hendricks and Helen LaKelly Hunt
  • Gay Hendricks
When I first met with Soniyah Singh we both felt that there was an instant connection. Her energy and understanding of relationships goes much deeper than anyone that you will ever meet. She is a great listener; she is compassionate and is truly an amazing person that understands the needs and wants of the people that she meets with. She is not just a matchmaker but more of a person that you just want to tell everything to. As a gay man, I realized that talking to Soniyah about my relationship with my partner helped bring out all of the qualities and feelings that were not easy to put into words, but Soniyah allowed me to express all of my true feelings.